Wednesday 7 April 2010

Unlucky Lotto Ticket looks like this

Take the pressure down? Really?

I did forget to mention that yesterday as I walked along the street at night we were approached by a man who asked for directions. He lives in Parramatta. How could I come all this way and meet a man from Sydney?! It's true Australians are everywhere!
Billa is a supermaket chain here and we went to buy some groceries. As I entered I heard John Farnham playing? This I could not believe. And I'm still not sure how he's reached Romania, but he has.
Today I started my first Romanian lesson with my new book and very helpful teacher and local celebrity, Catalina. Tomorrow I might venture to the markets alone and test my new vocabulary.

I'm sitting on our balcony and watching people rollerblade and playing ping pong in the park. There are signs of life. People running. It's lovely. Japanese Rose trees litter the street below. Beautiful.

I ate some pastries and a nutella-filled donut. Ran out of phone credit after 5 sms' to Australia, played the lottery (unsucessfully) and tonight I will go to a pub where foreigners and Romanians meet to converse about a range of topics. Could be interesting. There's bound to be lots of smoke and smokers!

Buna seara.


  1. Oh look at you .. you're really there .. or at least somewhere .. that's some serious head incline .. very pedagogical .. you'll be fluent in no time!!

  2. Linda

    I love your blog and look forward to future postings.
    This pastry looks as yummy as the homemade nutella cupcake I had the other day. Nutella is truly universal. I feel I am already in Romania but will try and get over there in person if only to sample romanian mcdonalds and coca cola- the only true measure of cultural diversity(!) well, and the post communist nutella.
