Tuesday 6 April 2010

The Smokehouse

It's insane how much can happen in one day when you start to drive on the right side of the road. And so it began, my introduction into Arad, driving a Dacia (Romaninan national symbol of communism).

First however we moved into our new apartment in Arad, the big city and big it was. I was elated to find out we're in the penthouse suite. Look at the view from our balcony in the photo above! A river, a park, it's beautiful. We were followed by an entourage of 3 factory workers who helped us carry the luggage up four flights of stairs and we were left with some pots and pans to make ourselves self sufficient. I felt like we'd moved into the matrimonial first appartment.

The rest of the day was filled with driving around Arad, a coffee house, buying a book so I can learn Romanian, buying a sim card from Vodafone, eating McDonalds - as a comparative study only of course, visiting grandparents, buying Nutella and Salami and finally in a bar.

The bar... as a supportive non-smoker I hit rock bottom last night. We walked into this bar called Cafe Literati. Filled with cool 20 somethings all drinking and smoking. Upon entering I felt as if there was a heavy fog, like when you drive to Berry through Kangaroo Valley on a cold winter's day. Alas it was not as refreshing for my lungs. The smoke filled me up. I had been awake since 4am (jetlag still?) and when I was asked if I smoked, i wasn't so excited by the prospect of saying yes. Though it didn't feel any different to actually smoking. I mean I understand smoke gives a great texture and us filmmakers are always trying to look for interesting textures to soften light but this was too much. I may revise my position on smoking just yet. Let's see how I am by the week's end.

I'm sure there were more adventures but with red eyes and a pathetic little cough this seemed like the last image in my mind before going to sleep. Off to start my Romanian lesson now.


  1. i think the trick is, if you are going to smoke you need to drink .. alot .. this will help - i'm told ;)

  2. hello my lindas. good to know you're well and to read your adventures. love x
