Monday 5 April 2010

Is there a book to help take up smoking?

Part 2 of Day 2

The warning on cigarette packets is the same all over the world - 'smoking kills' - but that doesn't seem to affect Romanians. As I sat down for my first home-cooked meal in Romania I felt like the odd one out. I was the only one not smoking, so I decided to join them. It felt good. The remnants of lunch included empty glasses which once contained home-made wine and Palinka, black cherry sherry and sparkling wine (not consumed in that order. There was food as well! A lovely lunch. Am wondering if alcohol will feature heavily while I'm here and I'm beginning to think it will. No headache so far so am not at all concerned. And for those of you worried I'll take up smoking, stay calm, I'm just trying to fit in. It will stop when I return to oz.

My afternoon involved a walk to the next village, Ghioroc, with promise of shops and activity. Alas it's Easter Monday and everything was shut. I did spot a cake shop and the first ATM I've spotted and a woman selling freshly squeezed milk in reused plastic drink bottles. I think I'll have to return there soon. It did start to rain on the way back. A freezing wind, not pleasant I thought. But I walked for 6 kms with a backdrop of my favourite flora - the blossoms - cherry and apple blossoms littered the streets. I love these plants and their flowers are a sign that Spring is here, and for that I'm grateful.

I also spotted a police car, but no action or trouble in sight. perhaps they were stopping over for an Easter Monday lunch. I should be happy. Yesterday we were pulled over for speeding. I was not driving. It was a 30km zone. How crazy is that?! Having read that a couple were arrested in Dubai for breaching public decency laws by kissing in public i count myself lucky. Think I may have breached such a law in Abu Dhabi but it went unnoticed thankfully.

Tomorrow we move to an apartment the big city of Arad! Holiday is over and time to start working, though I'm sure the adventures will continue!


  1. you will come back an alcoholic and possibly without your vocal cords.... i'll start stocking spirits for you now.


  2. If you come back a smoker I will spank your bum oosel! x

  3. Beautiful photography and good attitude, Charlie, keep it up!
    x Catherine

  4. Cherry blossoms are cool, smoking is sexy and that liquor sounds dangerous .. or is it just that you make these things seem so?
