Monday 5 April 2010

Grey Skies

Good Morning

It's Day 1 of my Eastern Blog :)

It's really day 2 in Romania but yesterday was spent missing planes and driving from Budapest to Arad, Romania, where I'm staying. It also happens to be Easter so the streets are empty and there appears to be no one around. I'm told it will look more alive tomorrow....I hope so.

Driving here (notably after 30 hours in transit from Sydney) everything seemed grey - the skies, the buildings and the lone walkers and bicyclists on the streets. I thought maybe I could understand why people from the Eastern Block seem so sad and depressed. But I suspect it has more to do with it's past than just the grey skies.

It may not happen everyday. The bliss of wireless internet may disappear. But I'll try my best to continue my tales from the Eastern Block.

Pe Curand

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