Wednesday 14 April 2010

Things the guide book won't tell you about Romania

Really I don't know why these points aren't mentioned in the guide books as I think if they were, it could dramatically increase tourism to Romania.

1. You can smoke everywhere (except the Bank and the Police as far as I can see) and everybody DOES.
2. Places commonly known as cafes like in Melbourne or Paris are really bars here - dimly lit and turn into night clubs in the evening. They have free wifi which is a huge bonus.
3. There is only ever one bathroom at any place you go (one for each sex if you're lucky) and the doors don't have locks so bring someone to guard the fort.

4. The radio is on everywhere and it's usually very bad music. Here's a sample of who you might hear: Rod Stewart, Richard Marx, Madonna, John Farnham (!),

5. People still use hairspray and put rollers in their hair.

6. Typerwriters are still used.

7. Online dating sites permit naked photos! and there's no restraint on behalf of those seeking a mate.

8. You cannot bribe police but it pays to know someone.

9. Free to air porn exists on TV.

10. Diazepam can be purchased for $AUD 1.00

I did go and get my hair cut and coloured yesterday. I said yes to hairspray!


  1. So i'm picturing you with your rollers in, sitting at a dingy cafe come bar, your legs crossed because you are waiting for a free toilet, meanwhile you have popped another valium and lit up yet another cigarette because you have tired of the porn playing on the tv in the corner of the room. You've shut down your computer after hours of 'research' on internet dating sites and are beginning to drift off to sleep to the comforting sounds of Richard Marx' "Right Here Waiting for You" interspersed with the gentle clack clack of a vintage Olivetti being used by a serious young man wearing a beret sitting near the window. Just like a young Tudor Arghezi you muse ... You're just about asleep when you realise you need to organise a media pass for an event tomorrow .. no matter you reason, you know someone who knows someone who will work it out for you ..
